Why I Give

Image Church members Sherry Rickard (right) and her mother Betty Gonzalez volunteering at IWALK for ACTS in October

Image Church members Sherry Rickard (right) and her mother Betty Gonzalez volunteering at IWALK for ACTS in October

By Sherry Rickard

Giving started as an act of obedience that morphed into a routine...something my Christian parents modeled as I was growing up and I started doing it when I became an adult. Then, my life changed and times got tough for me. My marriage ended and my title changed to single mom. Finances got extremely tight. So, I gave a little less, but I still gave because I felt I should. God blessed me with another marriage to a man that knew Him personally and intimately. He and I talked about giving and as we grew together in Christ, I finally got it. God asked me to trust Him and took my husband Home almost 7 years ago. I was a single mom again. I finally understood... EVERYTHING. Is. His.

But He doesn’t ask for it all. He just wants me to love Him and in loving Him, acknowledge that. Now, I don’t give out of obedience or routine or because “I’m supposed to.” I give because I love Him and it’s all His and when I give, I’m acknowledging that. In acknowledging that, I am also joining others in combining our God-given resources to do mighty things to and for His Glory!

So... I give because I Love Him!

Thank you, Sherry for being on mission with Image Church! Read more stories from our members HERE.