Join us in Woodbridge Sundays at 10:30 a.m. in person and online on Facebook and YouTube.

We Helped the Hornets!


Thank you for Helping the Hornets! With your support, we raised $1,400 for Fred Lynn Middle School. These funds covered the cost of white boards for all students to use during virtual learning!

Virtual learning this Fall will be challenging across the County. For many families at Fred Lynn, this challenge is on top of trying to make ends meet and other crises. We made an impact by helping to provide tools for success. Students will be able to use these supplies for working out problems in class, keeping to do lists, and practicing and mastering new skills.

Pastor Chris met with Principal Brewer and Erin Lowery, Image Church member and Fred Lynn teacher, for the check presentation. In August, to help kick off the program, Principal Brewer came and talked with Pastor Chris about how the school is managing during these unprecedented times.
