Seizing the Opportunity


Shaun and Dawn Newman, who joined Image Church this year, shared about God’s call on their lives to serve, how they foster this calling with their family, and how God is working in their lives through different ministries at Image Church right now - and how He can in your life, too!

Watch the video from our Facebook Live stream HERE, starting at 7:20.

Shaun shared the following on behalf of himself and Dawn:

Servants’ Hearts
“God’s call to our hearts has always been to be servants. Whether we’re involved in a Sunday worship set, whether it’s a Saturday morning men’s workgroup where we come together to beautify the property, whatever the case may be, there’s always an opportunity for us to be involved at the Church. And not only us, but our entire family to be involved. If there’s one message I could give through the process of learning to be involved with a Church, growing with the body of believers, it’s just simply that you have the opportunity to grow together in relationship in what you do. And it’s not just about what happens on Sunday mornings. This is a Church that knows very well that Church happens every single day. We come together and worship on Sunday but there’s always opportunity to be out there involved in the community, reaching out to others and serving our community, because there is plenty of opportunity to get involved in the community. It is an opportunity that we’ve taken on. We’ve learned and shared with our children this idea that each and every day we have the opportunity to be servants of God and bettering his Kingdom on Earth.

On Getting Plugged In With Ministries
It’s been a wonderful opportunity. The first thing we actively got involved in here with was a Saturday morning get together with all of the men. I brought my son over and saw it as an opportunity to build relationship together. We came together and we were beautifying the property. It wasn’t anything special or glamorous. We grabbed a rake and a trash can and picked up leaves. And that seems like it’s simple but it was also an opportunity where I was able to meet some of the wonderful men of the Church and just work together with them, building a rapport, building that relationship with one another. It’s what we’ve embodied and endeavored to do in our entire time in ministry. Always opportunities to grow together as a Church and it’s not just building up a Church in order to raise a number of people. But it’s coming together, it’s unifying a Church, it’s building a Church that’s able to be equipped to do things for God’s Kingdom.

Taking the Next Step
Our family - we weren’t believers in 2012. We weren’t going to Church in 2012. We had a unique opportunity to come together as a family and learn how to be Church as a family, and I think that that’s carried through all these years later. It’s not about necessarily knowing your Bible. It’s wonderful to know your Bible but you don’t have to know your Bible to pick up leaves in the parking lot or to serve on the First Image team and to be a welcoming face to everybody that comes in here. It’s an opportunity that we share. It’s an opportunity that everyone here can be involved in. And if you don’t know of an opportunity that exists at Image Church, I’d tell you to talk to somebody. If you see something that someone else is doing that you’re equipped for, that God has equipped you to do, just talk to that person. I’m sure that they can get you plugged in. If there’s someone here that knows how to play acoustic guitar, by all means, talk to me. Pastor Brian might not mention it every week, but if you can bless us by singing or bless us by playing an instrument, talk to one of us and we can get you plugged in, because there are opportunities all around us to build God’s Kingdom that way.

We are grateful for Shaun and Dawn being on mission at Image Church and their commitment to helping to build God’s Kingdom in Woodbridge. If you’d like to learn more about plugging in at Image Church, e-mail us at and we’ll get you connected!

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