I-Kids and Impact Christmas Performance

We love Christmas at Image and celebrating together. Join our I-Kids in Bethlehem as they share the birth of Jesus as told in Luke 2 and our Impact students as they act out “Mary, Did you Know?” Check out the photos and video below. We work to keep the focus on Jesus in all that we do in I-Kids and Impact. Support for our special One Gift offering will help us reach the next generation and grow ministries like I-Kids and Impact in 2024! Click HERE and select “One Gift” in the drop down menu to contribute today.

2023 Year In Review

At Image Church, our vision is to reflect the image of Jesus by making, maturing, and multiplying disciples in our city, nation, and world. Our mission is to help people be disciples who make disciples of Jesus. We keep both of these guideposts at the forefront of all that we do and are to reflect back on how the Gospel was furthered in 2023. Scroll through the photos and check out the video from Pastor Chris below.

Impact Year End Review

Check out this video from Thomas Barnette, Student Pastor, as he shares about the year in Impact Student Ministry and how God has worked in and through the lives of our 6th-12 graders and leaders. Our students are learning about Jesus, how to connect with others about Him, and how to respond to struggles Biblically. They have shared stories of telling friends about Jesus and brought guests on Sundays. Teens surrendered their lives to Jesus and recommitted to following Him! Our students serve on Sundays and invest in the next generation behind them. When you invest at Image, your support helps fuel ministries like Impact. Consider an above-and-beyond One Gift today HERE. Choose “One Gift” in the drop down menu. Thank you in advance for your support!