A Million New Disciples

Imagine a group of ministry leaders and pastors from all over the world united around a mission to make a million new disciples by 2025. It's happening through the Liberty Church Network (LCN) and we are a part of it! Check out this video about the Liberty Church Network.

A couple of months ago I had the chance to join our staff and some of our leadership at Liberty Church Network's annual conference in Lynchburg. There were small group training sessions and large group lectures and I came home with pages of notes of practical ideas and concepts to consider. What I found most inspiring though was when the auditorium was filled with Pastors and Church staff and leaders from across the Country that were all gathered together with the same vision and purpose. They were being filled and equipped and sent back to reach their communities for Jesus. You could see the ripple effect.


Locally, we're proud to host the LCN-Woodbridge Local Center. Each month, pastors from around our area gather for training and encouragement. Here's a picture from a recent Local Center meeting.

On either side of Pastor Chris you'll see Pastors John and Gary Kuzins from Hope Hill Church. Pastor John shared the following quote: “The monthly meetings are a great source of encouragement to both of us as pastors. Being able to connect with others who are going through similar things and learn from one another has been an invaluable resource.”

You'll also see at the far right Pastor Jose Mazariego. Pastor Chris met Pastor Jose at an LCN training and a partnership was born. Iglesia Biblica Bautista Woodbridge was looking for a space to meet and we had the opportunity to invite them to join us here in this building. Iglesia is doing amazing things to reach the community for Jesus. This Fall they hosted Farmers Markets in our Church parking lot where they gave away donated food and connected with hurting people and invited everyone to join on Sundays. It's been such a blessing to have Iglesia as part of our Church!

We support LCN financially and with staff resources because we're committed to following the Great Commission and the impact LCN is making for Jesus. Thank you for supporting this effort through your One Gift offerin. Click HERE to donate today and designate “One Gift” in the drop down menu.

By Kate Shifflett, Administrative Director